Have you ever wanted a chunky knit but only had some DK yarn in your stash?, Me too ! So, i decided to wind off half the ball of DK that i had and then knit this neck warmer with the yarn held double.I used one ball of James Brett Marble 100g.. 240yrds, and size 10mm needles, and after a lot of trial and error , came up with an open weave look that would use the least amount of yarn but still be long enough to sit nicely round my neck. I have fastened it with one of my handmade Beaten Copper Scarf Pins.( available in my Folksy shop)
linky to shopSo..here is the pattern, nice and easy, just the 2 rows to remember...
cast on 18 sts
1st row K2, yo, k2tog, repeat to last two sts, k2
2nd row K1,yo,k2tog, repeat to end
When it is approx 26 ins long or longer if you have enough yarn, cast off and weave ends in .
There you are... all done!